*RO*: Pentru ca multi din cei care urmaresc blogul meu sunt romani, am decis ca de acum sa scriu im amandoua limbile, respectiv romana si engleza.
*EN*: Since many of the people that watch my blog are romanians, I've decided that from now on I'll write in both languages, Romanian and English.
*RO*: Sambata, in data de 7 ianuarie, s-a intamplat ceva la care acum 3 ani puteam doar visa! Mi-am cumparat un nou obiectiv, Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM! Chiar nu pot spune cat sunt de bucuroasa si de multumita de ea! Este exceptionala, da imagini mult mai clare decat 18-55mm cu care eram eu obisnuita si ador profunzimea de camp!
*EN*: On Saturday, the 7th of January, happened something that 3 years ago I only could have dreamed about! I bought myself a new lens, the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM! I can't say how happy I am about it! It is a great lens, much sharper than the 18-55mm I've worked with before, and the depth of field makes me want to scream!
*RO*: Am postat aceste imagini pentru ca si voi sa vedeti cat de uimitor este acest obiectiv.
*EN*: I've uploaded these photos so that you can see for yourselves how amazing this lens is.
*RO*: Observati cat sunt de clare imaginile.
*EN*: Notice how sharp these photos are.
*RO*: Uimitoarea profunzime de camp!
*EN*: The depth of field is amazing!
*RO*: In sfarsit imi pot fotografia catelul pentru ca nu se mai sperie de mine! :D
*EN*: And I can finally shoot my doggie 'cause he won't run away! :D
*RO*: Si acum, niste poze mai reusite (vedeti de asemenea postarea anterioara)
*EN*: Here are some photos than I consider to be better (you can also check the previous post).